About The Author


I’m just a silly old dude(52) that first  touched the computer in May 2009.My adventures have led me to the creation of this blog.For now it’s a place for me to play and enjoy myself and if others enjoy too that is most awsome.

I lived in central Wisconsin my entire life until I met the most wonderful of Lady’s and moved home with her to east Tennessee in June 2010.I still suffer from a lack of worldly travel,so I try to make up for it by messing around on the vaunted internet.Once in a while it seems I have some worthwhile thoughts,so I’ll be letting them settle in here just to see what happens next.

Some of what is showing here now are blogs I’ve written on a dating site I subscribe to.I have over 50 blogs on the spike,so to speak.From time to time I will be importing some of those to go along with the new ones I will be writing here.New or old I sincerly hope all who pass this way will be pleased they came by to read my particular brand of drivel.

I thank you for stopping by please to leave a comment or so,espicialy on the blogs themselves.I am always interested in what those who read my assembled notions think of them.Ok truth be told my massive ego is always hungry for attention……………………Cats

50 Responses to About The Author

  1. Kris (cats) Beautiful, I am so proud of you. Now question is are you just going to blog, publish, or turn it into a business, or all 3. I have a wonderful that you might check out if you want to turn it into a business. Let me know if you are interested.



  2. Martha Lemke aka okiemt says:

    Chris~This is just beautiful as all your other writings. You have a remarkable talent and, although I have never met you, I just know you are a wonderful person in every way. Your words reveal you~incredible. Keep up the good work and I look forward to much more pontification. Have this in favorites so I can check on you from time to time, make sure you are working. LOL. Thanks for your friendship…see you in the blog family gatherings.


  3. Meow says:

    Chris, Chris, Chris….How long have you been hiding this talent??? It was forwarded to me from Wedge. At first I had no idea what I was reading or by whom. It was a slow dawn. Had I come accross this randomly I would have thought it written by an accomplished writer/poet. I read it very quickly but am now going back to study it with greater attention.

    One of your sisters.


  4. Angelic says:

    This is awesome Cats!! It is about time you decided the world outside of the dating site is ready for you! I will have to take time to read all of the blogs I missed. You have a special talent and it is wonderful you discovered a way to utilize it!
    The words shared here will touch many more then even you can imagine..I have no doubt. Good luck on this journey and I hope it leads to doors that open new worlds for you!!
    Nothing touches lives more then words written from the heart.


  5. Ron Dinsmore says:

    cats, this is great. there should be a way to stop others from stealing your thoughts and words. im not much on reading books but i think your blog would make for great short stories etc. Your personality certainly comes out in your thoughts and words. keep up the good work, i think this is a start of something great in your life.


  6. Josh Weber aka r73mopar says:

    The legacy is still one or my top favorites. I don’t know where you got your writing talents but everyone is right! Publish these or something! You write amazingly!!I hope to pass that said tool chest on to one of my children someday to continue “the legacy”. Don’t ever stop writing! Enjoy the wonderful world of the web.


  7. Kathy says:

    You have a talent not to be wasted or hidden….An amazing man with an amazing talent…The Golden Pen shall write the words of the Wandering Wordsmith, and together will prevail amongst the great writers of the World…..Dream those dreams and go forth on that journey to where it may lead you…Kath…


  8. thecatsman says:

    I am at the moment living my dream,that being the creation of this blog for my personal pleasure with the hope that those who happen by enjoy the reading of my particular brand of drivel…..Cats


  9. Hi I have really enjoyed reading your blogs..They say so much about you..Along with others I say use your talent to live…


  10. Linda aka Miss Mutt says:

    FINALLY got into your site here! Now I will have to catch up and read what you have posted.


  11. Karla says:

    I echo all of the testiments above…you have an incredible talent in the challenge of putting pen to paper with the thoughts of a thinker!!! Use that imagination, you have so much of it to share with us and the rest of the world. Write, write, write.



  12. Hello,

    Good day!

    Thank you for visiting Jebra’s Blogsite. Dont miss my daily posts here on wordpress because each post will lead you to know my beautiful individuality. You can also check out my multiply, twitter, and friendster accounts.

    Have a blessed day.


  13. hello, thanks for visiting Jebra’s Blogsite and at the same time I would like to invite you to My Daily Servings’ Blog.

    Thank you very much and have blessed day.



  14. S. Le says:

    Nice blog! Glad you have joined the billions of us who have them. Thanks also for visiting and commenting on my own sideways glimpse of life. I feel unusual. Perhaps it’s the cats then.


  15. ichabod says:

    Happy Holidays Catsman 🙂


  16. lissciamay says:

    i’ve really enjoyed reading your blog (:


  17. JennyAnn says:

    Happy New Year””””” and Keep writing as it is your Life and the blood flow of the golden pen.


  18. lerfish says:

    Hey, just wondering how you got the “Blogroll” tab thing at the side? im still not sure how the whole of this site works lol, and also if i manage to get my own “blogroll” can i add your blog to it?


  19. lerfish says:

    Figured it out, i managed to get one lol, sorry for asking. Mind if i add you to it?


  20. jpenstroke says:

    Thanks for stopping by my site tonight. I mostly write poetry rather than memoir – trying to taste life for a second time and sweeten it up a bit or at least amaze myself with the journey.


  21. gardengirlfriend says:

    Thanks for the early encouragment! Look forward to reading your posts!


  22. Jessie Lewis says:

    Hi Cats, moving right along. Makes my heart go thump, thump, thump with pride. Catch you later. Jess


  23. fracas says:

    Some of the best friends I have are those met because of blogging.

    Welcome to our crazy and wonderful world!


  24. Mary Noce says:

    FINALLY,I found you,cats these are wonderful blogs,a look inside the soul of the man.Keep up the good work and may all your dreams come true,you are a true friend Mary/redneckchic52


  25. Martha W says:

    Wow. I came to return the visit from my own blog – and wow. Just wow. You are positively amazing. What a poet’s heart. I’ll definitely be back!


  26. Maria says:

    thanks for the comment…I’ll be linking to your blog–lovely 🙂


  27. jdhostetler says:

    Nice poetry!

    I have no idea why you ended up reading my jokes the other day but thank you for your interest. Your soul is far too intelligent and erudite for my comedy.

    I would feel terrible if my jokes ended up giving your soul a wedgie. They don’t listen when I discipline them.


  28. kristylove says:

    Catsman, I am new to blogging and somewhat confused, and have two questions, if I may.

    This morning I have been clicking on your blogroll (not even quite sure what this is, but seems to take me to other blogs, perhaps ones you enjoy (and I’ve enjoyed some of them too!) and when I click on global dashboard in your blogroll it takes me to my global dashboard! That is so weird. Did you mean to link to my blog? If so, that is incredible! You will be the first! (This is so exciting. I am just getting started.;-) Can I do the same for you? How do I add you to my blogsite?)

    Also, how do you copyright? I notice on your homepage you have a copyright notice. I would love to have one of those. Thank you for your time, effort and patience.

    Kristy @ Kristylove.wordpress.com


  29. Keep putting it out there Cat. Good stuff. I knew an old man who used to say “it is a sad puppy that can not shake his own tail”.
    Shake it out!


  30. Hello from Ukraine !

    Stumbled upon your Blog, interesting !

    I will read more !




  31. Hikaru says:

    i like your blog dude. i couldn’t believe how poetic and romantic the latest post was (speechless). it’s amazing, or rather, it felt like i was also riding in the gush of emotions. real good job!


    • thecatsman says:

      That is actualy a piece from last August and realy did open a window into my self that I try to look through when I write.A sentimental favorite of mine to say the least.


      • I knew you would always go after your dream, to be a writer and I see now that you have talent, way beyond what you showed when in High School. Just a short note to let you know after moving a few times–BACK from TN, I stumbled upon a short part of our story as first loves and find it incredible that I found such relic. I may be inclined to send it to you if you get me “your crib digits”. 🙂 LOVE ALWAYS, me


      • Thecatsman says:

        I did find it interesting one morning in that silent hour before sunrise that I am after many years here among the mountains that had only lived in my mind until now.Just lately my Wandering Wordsmith has been quietly collecting thoughts and notions but the Man has been busy happily having a life and not been depositing to the great white page.This will soon change yet again I’m sure…What a pleasent surprise to find that long ago past visiting me today,I had not forgotten my love of words only lost it for a while.


  32. peonyli says:

    Your words give me smiles. Thank you very much and here is another person shoveling praise to your ego. Nankurunaisa! ^_^


  33. walksthenight says:

    Whats to say that has not already been said?? Blessing to you as you travel this path of ancient maize, predestined days and knowing ways.


  34. Hi, nice to meet you !


  35. Joyce says:

    I never tire of reading this story Chris. It gives one hope. Merry Christmas to you.


  36. Pingback: 2010 in review | The Catsman's Blog

  37. Marie Aussie says:

    Hello Kris. Haven’t read any of your writings in a couple of years and wondered how you were? Hope you and Leslie are well.


  38. Marie Aussie says:

    Chris I hope you are in good health and living good. Miss your writings.


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